Why be gay?

This blog explains my views of homosexuality based strictly on a scientific and psychological perspective.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I was harassed today by a terrorist of human rights

I really dislike writing this entry.

Today, I was at a bus stop waiting for a bus to arrive. I was standing deside a pole at the left corner of the bus stop. Then a man came up and stood at the other end of the pole. At the corner of my eye, I saw that he was staring at me from the other side of the pole. I was slightly irritated by the stare and positioned myself so that the pole would block me away from his further stares.

A few minutes went by. All the while I had this feeling that I was continually being stared at, a great uneasiness as though something bad was going to happen to me. Then as I turned my head to look around, I noticed that the man who was staring at me was now standing right at my left! And when I turned my head to look at him, he immediately turned his head to his left to avoid any eye contact.

I was totally freaked out at how he managed to sneak up close to me, and how he reacted when I turned my head to look at him. I immediately changed my position and walked to the middle of the bus stop where there were people sitting down to have more safety. Throughout my remaining waiting time, I kept an eye on him to make sure he did not try to sneek up on my position again.

The most frightening thing was that he did not get on the incoming bus, where all the buses go on the same route and end up at the Bus Interchange. Maybe he could be waiting for someone to pick him up, but why did he avoid me when I turned my head to look at him, and why did he kept on staring at me in the first place? In order for him to know when I was turning my head and to avoid my glance at the same time, he definitely had to be looking at me to be aware of which direction I was focusing on. Was his reflex a sign of mischief or guilt?

Did the man have a motive on me? It's really frightening to wonder what was going on in his mind, what he could have wanted to do to me. Whatever it was, I felt I was harassed, I felt sneaked up upon, I felt surprise, I felt disgust, I felt fear, I felt a lost of control, I felt a little depressed and I felt anger. There were so many types of emotions in me because of that incident that took place in a matter of minutes.

The man's physical characteristics are:
Middle age
With a fat belly
Smart casual with a shirt and trousers
About 1.7m in height

I think I am really beginning to develop some sort of a fear of a stereotype I am conjuring in my mind. I don't know whether the man was straight or homosexual. I don't know what he is, what his motives were. Was he trying to irritate me? What was he trying to do to me?

If I would to encounter the same situation again, I would call the police and get the "terrorist" arrested for harrassment or for further investigations. I hope that would not be necessary.

I am not lying when I say I have read encounters on blogs where school-going boys were molested in the bus and MRT by men who fit my listed description of the man I encountered. The men were all middle-aged and well-dressed. Reading about molest cases was the main reason I included the topic of paedophilia in my blog. The news also mentioned of Singaporean men who went overseas to third-world countries to have sex with underaged children including boys. I think those boys were sold by their parents into prostitution. They have to do something miserable against their will for the rest of their lives. Then supposed civilised men from our country would go and torment these children.

(MP Dr Amy Khor of Hong Kah GRC, I have the utmost respect for what you have done to implement laws against paedophilia, and what you have also done in other areas, and how you stood up in parliament to bring forth your points. With people like you in parliament, Singapore would have real hope.)

I have already written that I think why middle-aged men molest young boys was because they want to reconnect with younger boys because of their desirable qualities and innocence, to express out their liking in a physical way, but in a very, very self-centered way.

Some people like homosexuals have expressed disdain for my views on homosexuality, how I discourage it and why it should not be promoted. But had these people take time from their pleasure-seeking and realised what is going on in other countries and experienced what I felt today, would they understand the way I view homosexuals?

Was what I experienced today due to the immaturity of Singapore's society? I felt a great climate of fear and disappointment for some of Singapore's citizens today, some of them are still too immature, too pleasure-seeking, too concerned with themselves with little left to care about people's existence around them, to care about other's feelings. I am considering whether I should leave this place to avoid further of such hazards in the future? Should I finally prepare for migration after receiving this last straw? Should I leave for a more suitable and mature society in another country where their people show more respect and human rights for other people?

For all the things I fear most in life, the most fear I get is from realising that there are people in society who seek things for themselves without any conscience for the people around them, not even a hint of concern, not even a trace of respect for people. These people with cold hearts are walking among us threatening the basic human rights of other people, looking for their next victims. The great fear and concern this creates in me of the other people vulnerable to such ravenous terrorists among us.

I don't know what homosexuals would feel after reading this entry, would they think that I deserve this frightening experience because of my views on this blog? Would they further insult and victimise the victim who has spoken out? Like how they brand people who expressed disdain of homosexuality as victims of abuse by homosexuals? Maybe they will gloat and feel a sense of victory I don't really care. Are they too concerned with their pleasure-seeking to feel some sympathy? I am too tired of this homosexuality issue in society. What a horrible world I have been born into. The real world is so much different from its appearances.


At 12:43 AM, Blogger ~[z][x]~ said...

Hey WBG...

If you have seriously thought about it, it is YOU whose love has grown cold. You are a victim of your own delusions and bigotry. If you can only be more rational, you would realize that:

1) Not all homosexuals are paedophiles/stalkers/molesters
2) Most paedophiles/stalkers/molesters are hetereosexual.

At 9:29 AM, Blogger ? said...

I have never once claim that all homosexuals are paedophiles/stalkers/molesters. It is your deluded assumption that makes you think so.

Your second point is stating the blindingly obvious, since the majority of people in society are obviously hetereosexual, the heterosexual paedophiles/stalkers/molesters would definitely outweigh the number of homosexual paedophiles/stalkers/molesters who are the minority. Tell me something new.

At 1:55 AM, Blogger ~[z][x]~ said...

I have actually taken the trouble to re-read your post and I agree that you did not explicitly claim that all homosexuals are paedophiles/stalkers/molesters. But look. You began by sharing your experience (which i think is nothing but mere paranoia) and then argued against paedophilia. Up till then it still makes sense. But all of a sudden, this came out of nowhere...

Some people like homosexuals have expressed disdain for my views on homosexuality, how I discourage it and why it should not be promoted. But had these people take time from their pleasure-seeking and realised what is going on in other countries and experienced what I felt today, would they understand the way I view homosexuals?

Well please explain "the way you view homosexuals" IN THE CONTEXT of your sharing. And how, indeed, did homosexuals come into the picture? Perhaps you have statistics to prove that the percentage of homosexuals being paedophiles outnumber that of heterosexuals. But so what? I might be able to get statistics too to prove that the percentage of Chinese being paedophiles outnumber that of Indians. Or Christians outnumbering that of Muslims. Am I then justified, or do i even make sense, to say..

Some Chinese/Christians have expressed disdain for my views on the Chinese race/Christianity, how I discourage it and why it should not be promoted. But had these people take time from their pleasure-seeking and realised what is going on in other countries and experienced what I felt today, would they understand the way I view Chinese/Christians?


There really is no need to share with you something "new". This is old stuff, and most rational people have come to accept that one can condemn paedophilia/stalking/molestation without condemning homosexuality, because homosexuality DOES NOT connotate paedophilia/stalking/molestation. THEREFORE, using accounts of paedophilia/stalking/molestation to condemn homosexuality is unfair and unjust.

You seem to have trouble understanding this. Which is perhaps why you are drawing so much flak and abuse.

At 9:05 AM, Blogger ? said...

I really don't care about the small or large percentage of homosexuals in society for me to say that homosexuality is a psychological problem. Using percentages to justify anything is a weak form of justification in the absence of logical explanations.

What happens rarely or commonly in society does not automatically prove that such occurences are problems or non-problems. Therefore trying to use statistical propaganda to justify any popular or non-popular point-of-views is just simplistic and as a form of brainwashing in the absence of good convincing skills.


"Many homosexuals are also confused by the meaning of homosexuality, believing in hearsays that promote homosexuality as a way to express love for another similar gender person."

Please don't use popular/non-popular statistics to brainwash your opinions into facts. Simple people may be convinced by such lousy decoys but not me.

You said,
"people have come to accept that one can condemn paedophilia/stalking/molestation without condemning homosexuality, because homosexuality DOES NOT connotate paedophilia/stalking/molestation. THEREFORE, using accounts of paedophilia/stalking/molestation to condemn homosexuality is unfair and unjust."

However, if I want to choose my own area of interest and specifically talk about homosexual paedophiles, homosexual stalkers and homosexual molesters, what is of your business to deny my choice of topic? Perhaps people like you just don't respect the interests and choices of others in order to dictate what others can or cannot talk about? If that is the case then you are just a ego maniac dictator along the likes of people like "Mr Wang" who demands others to take diction.

Am I only obligated to talk about problems that affect the majority of people in society and cannot talk about problems affecting the minority? Such a viewpoint is a joke.

I will condemn homosexual paedophilia/stalking/molestation along with homosexuality because these are related areas of psychological problems.

Just because homosexuals are in the minority of society doesn't mean what they do are not the symptoms of serious psychological problems.

Are you saying that me pinpointing a minority group in society is not a politically-correct thing to do? Well then you are just a PC freak.

Please read http://whybegay.blogspot.com/2006/12/psychological-problem-of-homosexuality.html

And get out of my minority-uncaring face.

At 8:44 PM, Blogger ~[z][x]~ said...

I have actually intended to merely reply "you still do not get it, STUPID" to your above logic-deficient-mentally-masturbative piece of dross. Then I realized many have done that in various forms, but you still do not get it, anyway, STUPID. Thus I shall, painful as it is, try again in a more civil and less patronising manner:

1. I was NOT using statistics to prove anything. I was merely hypothesizing that YOU might have used statistics to come to your "I will condemn homosexual paedophilia/stalking/molestation along with homosexuality because these are related areas of psychological problems" conclusion. Many bloggers and visitors of your blog CANNOT see how you came to this. They do not see how these are "related areas" of psychological problems if heterosexuals are themselves too, inflicted with these vices. Since you are not interested in real-life statistics (which would, as I've shown, still logically prove that "homosexuality=paedophilia" is wrong), or the professional voice of the APA, it is perhaps YOU who have been brainwashing your opinions into facts

2. No one is denying you your freedom of expression and choice of discourse. The very fact that netizens are engaging with you in a harmless debate to convince you of the sillyness of your views, and have not rather called up the police to jail you up for your homophobic comments, is enough justification for one to realize that your "ego-maniac dictator" accusation is unfair and uncalled for.

3. You still do not understand that it is not your choice of discourse that people are taking issue with. No one is going to argue with you if you simply say "I am against homosexual paedophiles". But you have gone further than that. You have claimed that paedophilia and homosexuality are "related areas of psychological problems" and have NOT been able to back a claim of this scale with reasonable evidence/support. When longantree informed you that the APA does not even recognize homosexuality as a "psychological problem", you rebutted by saying that the burden of proof is on him to prove to you that the APA is not wrong. How brilliant! You have been most enlightening. The next time I find myself losing in a debate, I guess I should tell my opponent that I do not need to concede because the burden of proof is on him to prove to me that every single statistic or authoritative body he has used in his arguments are completely and wholly true. How's that?

4. This has nothing to do with political correctness. It's about your illogical assumptions and deductions. History, anyway, has taught us to be careful and doubly alert when someone speaks out against a minority group. I could almost imagine Hitler arguing against any of his early opponents,... "However, if I want to choose my own area of interest and specifically talk about Jewish Bolsheviks, Jewish fraudsters or Jewish child-sacrificers, what is of your business to deny my choice of topic? Perhaps people like you just don't respect the interests and choices of others in order to dictate what others can or cannot talk about? If that is the case then you are just a ego maniac dictator.." We're not going to buy that after we have seen what happened. If you want to speak out against a race, an identity, or a religion, then your arguments and accusations better be absolutely sound and beyond reproach. If not, shut up and leave them alone.

5. Yes I have read that previous post of yours. It is equally as bad. Interstingly, the way you have defined homosexuals there as being "in lack of effective communication skills, logical thinking, self-centeredness and emotional behaviours (that) would get in the way of effective discourse with other people. causes me to wonder.... are you a "homosexual"?

6. You are the minority here. Try getting out of your own face.

At 10:46 PM, Blogger ? said...

You said,
"I was merely hypothesizing that YOU might have used statistics to come to your "I will condemn homosexual paedophilia/stalking/molestation along with homosexuality because these are related areas of psychological problems" conclusion. Many bloggers and visitors of your blog CANNOT see how you came to this. They do not see how these are "related areas" of psychological problems if heterosexuals are themselves too, inflicted with these vices."

If you STILL don't get how I came to the conclusion of how homosexuality is related to homosexual paedophilia/molesting, I will STILL explain this in my next blog entry and show you how you misinterpret the meaning of "professional voice", or how real-life statistics is but an opportunistic tactic used in politics to gain support rather than a measure of sound judgement. Maybe in society but in my blog, there is no such thing as statistical people-driven right or wrong.

You said,
"When longantree informed you that the APA does not even recognize homosexuality as a "psychological problem", you rebutted by saying that the burden of proof is on him to prove to you that the APA is not wrong."

Bear in mind that it is MY proposition here in my blog that Homosexuality IS a psychological problem. Therefore if you want a proper debate being in the opposition view, then the onus is on YOU to prove the motion wrong and not just saying that Homosexuality is a non-problem just because some APA says so without substantial evidence. Any less effort is just LAZY. Otherwise what are you doing in my blog other than to kill wasteful time throwing little pebbles against a strong wall? Why not write fan mail to the APA?

I have written many points in my blog explaining why homosexuality is a psychological problem, and then the opposing team comes along and says that they disagree since they hide behind some association called the "APA", based on some random smattering of non-conjugative political statements pieced together as intelligent "proof". Well then continue to write fan mail to the APA because they are so psychological sound and so not politically-driven when they announce their public statements. Then you will realise why you seem to continue finding yourself losing a debate.

And I don't care whether I speak out to a minority or majority group in society. My only concern is in dealing and fixing stupid/fake political driven ideas. But sadly these silly ideas often belong to the MAJORITY group in society. And I will deal with stupid/fake people as stupid/fake people should be dealt with. Therefore the only illogical homosexual sounding people are in fact these communication-deficient people who cannot RECOGNISE sound logic but instead are BRAINWASHED by politically-driven NONSENSE. Blindly discriminating and brainwashed people like you should get out of the FAKE skins already.

"If you don't have sound arguments, shut up and leave the 'minority me' alone."

At 2:40 AM, Blogger ~[z][x]~ said...

Oh and of course. I have so forgotten to mention that when Hitler offered his hate speeches against the Jews, he often used HIS own propositions in HIS own party conventions. Therefore, if any rational or compassionate person wanted to challenge his views, being in the opposition, the onus SURELY is on that person to wholly and without-any-doubt PROVE that Jews are not an inferior race and are not afflicted psychologically or morally as Hitler had claimed. Any less effort is just LAZY. Otherwise what is that person doing in a Nazi gathering other than to kill wasteful time throwing little pebbles against a strong wall? Why not just write fan mail to the Jews?

At 5:59 AM, Blogger ? said...

The function of my blog is not for debates, but to clarify the true nature of homosexuality. If you can't offer good insights, anything you say is just ego talk that opens itself for self-destruction.

If I were truly Hitler, I would have instantly shot you in the beginning for oppression and get your losing debate argument over with, sparing the closing speech. But my arguments are good enough for similar effect. May your initial cries of injustice rest in peace.

At 5:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your paranoia of gay people shows. FYI, gays do not behave like your "terrorist". Instead of averting their eyes after you turned to face him, they will probably greet you with a smile. A mature person will ask him, "Excuse me, do I know you?" instead of running away to hide in numbers of a larger group.

At 6:56 PM, Blogger ? said...

daniel, how stupid and wilfully ignorant can you get?

At 1:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daniel was just being polite.
apparently you, view homoesexuals as things or objects.
being a straight man here..
i really think that you're the one with a problem.
why have a whole blog up just for this purpose?
you need to get a Life.

At 12:19 AM, Blogger ? said...

anonymous advocate,

Please don't speak for others if you are not them, you could be slandering them and get yourself into trouble. Do you really know what Daniel thinks or are you just making up his thoughts? Please don't assume what he or I thinks.

I view homosexuals as people with a serious psychological problem, which is using homosexuality as an extreme form of pleasure escape. Explain to me how homosexual paedophilia is not an extreme problem if you are so good in psychology, otherwise this blog will always be here to explain why it is a problem.

If you have good points to explain why homosexuality is not a problem, feel free to state your points for everyone to hear about them.

If you can't spell "homosexual" correctly, would you really understand what homosexuality is about?

At 12:05 AM, Blogger cuteemy said...

I view YOU as people with a serious psychological problem just like how you view HOMOSEXUALS as people with a serious psychological problem.

At 8:37 AM, Blogger MidnightAllDay said...

Up to now I thought this blog was written by an adult who was simply fraught with prejudice and unthinkably narrow minded - possibly someone who hadn't met a diverse section of people within this world (Maybe living within a ghettoised section of society without any will to look outside of that). However, I only just realised that 'whybegay' is just a kid. My guess is probably around 14/15. Anxious, scared, trying to work out his place in this world - see's gay people as an easy target for misguided anger and upset. Your age is apparent not only through such extreme ignorance, but through the arguments you make, the replies you leave for others and the language you use. You have a lot of growing up to do. For now, I'd recommend working out your belief systems properly before advertising them online. One day, you might change your mind and your childish mistakes will be there to haunt you forever...


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