The psychological problem of Homosexuality
Homosexuality is actually a simple psychological problem prevalent in many societies. However the recognition of Homosexuality as a serious psychological problem that requires counselling and therapy is often strongly impeded by its very own denial as a serious psychological problem.
The reason for denying Homosexuality as a psychological problem lies with individuals who cannot accept their own mistakes and adopt self-preservation measures to shift responsibility.
The causes for a person to take on homosexuality are varied and diverse, as different people are affected differently by different nature and nurture aspects of life.
Some common causes of homosexuality are due to factors in family upbringing such as deficient parental or poor fatherly skills. Many homosexuals are brought up with deficient adult male identities caused by lack of interactions with good male adults. The lack of positive male adult role-modelling would later cause them to be seen as effeminate males when they grow up.
Many homosexuals are also confused by the meaning of homosexuality, believing in hearsays that promote homosexuality as a way to express love for another similar gender person. However the inclusion of sexual practises in homosexuality would deem the propagation of its many love-sharing values to be a false claim and a great lie.
Many homosexuals believe that physical intimacy is a showing of love for another same-gender person. However at this point, intuitive and reasonable people would question the true notions of love. What does the word love really mean? Is love simply an expression of one's liking for another person? Homosexuals have yet to provide a legitible explanation for their perception of love, this which would deem their definition of Homosexuality as a way of showing love to be unsubstantiated and even a well made-believed fantasy and fallacy.
The many fantasies that predominate Homosexuality as a blissful way of life clearly demonstrate homosexuals' escapism and denial mentality for the unpleasants and imperfections of life. The need of these mentalities are led by problems and difficulties in their lives that traps and suppresses their need for self-expression and re-connecting with other people. The need for one to be heard and re-connection would later be resolved by a person adopting Homosexuality as a way for self-expression. The repressed need for self-expression could later be observed as exaggerated behaviour demonstrated by homosexuals.
Another group of homosexuals that do not have such exaggerated behaviour are often mistaken as heterosexual-behaving. Such homosexuals do not have a great need for self-expression but see same-gender sexual practises as an effective way to re-connect with other males, to re-connect with the desirable male identities. Such a strong distraction while being attracted to other desirable males would prove to be an effective distraction for their segregation from these same-gender people who exhibit such desirable male identities. It is plain desire manifesting in different forms.
Many homosexuals' great escapism while going after males who exhibit their desired male characteristics would often block out important factors to be considered. Many promiscuous homosexuals often misplace important judgement such as taking sexual precautions. This could lead to the epidemic of sexual diseases that could claim lives. It is a sorry state of self-sacrifice by giving up one's body and life to seek another. This is one of many examples of Homosexuality exhibiting serious failure in mental judgement which would deem it as a serious psychological problem that would require therapy.
The acceptance of Homosexuality as a psychological problem is further impeded by homosexuals' denial of it as a problem, and to recognise themselves as performers of the problem.
Many psychologists worldwide do not agree with the view of the American Psychological Association that Homosexuality is not a psychological problem. Homosexuals like to refer to the APA to defend their own views of Homosexuality. However the APA's argument of their diagnosis of Homosexuality is not a conclusive one to convince many psychologists from their doubts.
Many homosexuals have listed some studies done on Homosexuality to justify its practice and to claim for further human rights such as same-gender marriages and adoptions. Studies have been done in the west such as some homophobes' reactions to homosexual pornography and some homosexuals' reactions to same-gender pheromones. However such studies are not conclusive enough to prove rare anomalies as widespread occurences, and to prove Homosexuality as a positive occurence of life. But simply demonstrating the existence of rare, naturally occuring phenomenon are not sufficient to deem anomalies as widespread non-problems.
From an objective perspective of the studies done, one could also conclude the studies as the demonstration of naturally occuring problems of nature, such as the demonstration of rare but naturally occuring anomalies such as Cancer. However even the common flu is naturally occuring.
So how does one deem an occurence between natural and a physical or psychological anomaly? The main factor that differentiate between the both lies in the presence of physical or psychological painful discomforts.
Homosexuals clearly demonstrate the presence of psychological discomforts such as their past repression of self-expression, segregation due to poor communication skills and loneliness. Homosexuals would later try to resolve these discomforts and anomalies by adopting Homosexuality as a way of life. But would Homosexuality actually resolve the initial communication problems that lead to Homosexuality?
The effectiveness of Homosexuality can only be seen in the way how homosexuals are understood by others, and whether they can bring their points across to other people. But often, the lack of effective communication skills, logical thinking, self-centeredness and emotional behaviours would get in the way of effective discourse with other people.
The denial, escapism and blame-shifting mentality of homosexuals also sees them putting blame on their parents who refuse to accept their child as homosexual, that their parents are also required to "come out" and accept their child as homosexual. However, the reluctance of parents to accept parental failure and their poor or deficient communication skills with their homosexual child is a good evidence that poor parenting skills is a main factor of Homosexuality. Many parents of homosexuals are often divorced or not on good talking terms with each other. Such families clearly demonstrate the poor and deficient communication skills that could lead to homosexuals' poor communication skills.
Poor and deficient parenting skills are also factors to a person seeking Homosexuality. The lack of parenting skills that teaches a child that expressions of love is not only demonstrated from physical intimacy alone but also through many other ways to show concern and love. That the true meaning of love is to perceive a fellow person as one perceives oneself, this is the true meaning of love as from the Bible and what the spirit of Christmas is about.
People who fail to recognise what love really is and how to express it effectively to others might turn to Homosexuality as a distorted means to resolve their repressed need for self-expression, to resolve their poor communication skills in order to connect effectively with people, and to curb their segregation from people so as to resolve their immense loneliness from the lack of effective love expression.
Paedophiles who are homosexuals might be trying to obsessively reconnect to young children, through physical touch alone. They fail to utlise other forms of communication in order to express their liking for young children.
The failure to resolve the true meaning of love, its poor expression and poor communication skills would only spread and worsens. Homosexuality is not an effective way to resolve poor communication skills, expression of love and loneliness. The way to resolve Homosexuality is to firstly remove the denial of it as a real psychological problem, and to find alternative ways to resolve the initial problems of poor communication skills, expressions of love and loneliness. Only when a problem is truly recognised for what it is can people begin to resolve themselves.
P.S. I believe I have listed the main points of the simple problems of Homosexuality therefore there may not be further posts on this blog. For my intended audience of this blog, I hope they being the discerning and understanding few, would be able to discern the information in this blog, put its knowledge into practice and lead a life worth leading. I may not be dealing with the problem of Homosexuality any further as it is not a very pleasant problem to think about.