Why be gay?

This blog explains my views of homosexuality based strictly on a scientific and psychological perspective.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Breathing this in may seriously affect judgment

Referenced and partly re-edited from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pheromones

"A pheromone is any chemical or set of chemicals produced by a living organism that transmits a message to other members of the same species."

Pheromones are responsible for the synchronization of menstrual cycles among women(McClintock effect).

"Pheromones in humans are postulated to be produced by the apocrine glands. The apocrine glands become functional after reaching puberty which, some believe, could contribute to people developing a sexual attraction for others at that time. Pheromone detection has also been proposed to be the reason why a person can sense "chemistry", or feel an instant attraction or dislike when first meeting someone."

Eccrine and Apocrine are 2 types of the body's sweat glands.

Let us take a look at how tv shows us the effects of the potent chemical with 2 sci-fi programs. They both implies political manipulation.

StarTrek Enterprise episode "Bound"

Stargate Atlantis "Irresistible"

Inhaled pheromones could severly alter mental processes and leave a person easily open to suggestions (such as teenagers who have less experience and knowledge in dealing with such cases) Pheromones could make a person feel "comfortable" and disable a person's threat defense system and judgment. Which means a person affected by pheromones would not keep up the frequency of his reasoning and logical checks as he usually does because he feels "extra safe".

Which means if a person ventures out of his home into public, he could potentially inhale in the pheromones of countless people, as it affects his judgment and reasoning ability. People who have little control over desires would easily fall prey to such chemical influences.

People who are often "unserious" or psychological unstable might even be influenced by their own pheromones and opened to their own suggestions, no matter how illogical and "wacky" it may initially seem to other people, because they perform less comparing checks on their logic because they feel too safe not to.

No wonder so many people hate their domineering nose, they can only like what their nose likes.

When people are in close proximity, their pheromones could play a large part in subconscious mind manipulation. But not to forget pheromones could also make a person dislike someone.

People often wonder why they did something that they later felt they should/would not have done, maybe the answer partly lies in pheromones.

Pheromones could cause a person to hang out with someone, which he would be much better off hanging out with someone else. Certain horoscope signs are more compatible with certain horoscope signs. This is the most accurate horoscope site I have seen. http://www.miltonblack.com.au/compatibility.htm

Pheromones are mind-altering drugs, be very careful of them(especially in hot and humid Singapore, showers would regulate their release).

Be even more careful of the human body, it is a storage of a barrage of chemicals. Anything may trigger a chain of explosive reactions.