Saturday, September 30, 2006

Homosexuality is caused by poor fatherly skills

I'm sure we have heard that homosexuality is caused by the neglect of either one or both parents of their child. And there was that old accusation that males become homosexuals because they spend too much time with their mothers therefore they would turn girly, think like one and become homosexuals.

This is actually an incomplete hypothesis.

One of the main causes of homosexuality is caused by the neglect of a young child's social ability to connect with people since young, specifically the gender of his own. And when the child gets older, his suppressed needs to connect with people in order to remove his feelings of loneliness and mental isolation would spur into ways in which to express his suppressed feelings and he would seek ways to connect with people, mentally or physically.

If a young child is neglected from either of his parents since young, he would miss out on the early years of connecting with the closest people to him. He would miss out on the opportunities to closely connect mentally with the female or male gender people that are closest to him.

We have heard of many kids whose parent or both parents are both busy working and have no time for them. Sometimes it is only the female maid that is around the child most of the time. This situation would present a problem.

Even though the young child may have siblings or have the chance to interact with other children such as cousins or kids at nurseries, the adults who have the maturity and trained social skills to interact with the child are usually the females. There is a great absence of adult males who could interact with the young child and familiarise him with the adult male identity through male-to-male interactions.

So throughout the child's early years, he would experience deficient interactions with the adult males.

Now that answers how the Sensitive New Age Guy(SNAG) could possibly come into being.

Male children who experience deficient opportunities to bond with male adults may later have their supressed needs turn into curiosity of the same gender, which may lead them to believe they are homosexuals because they find the male identity very fascinating and relevent to themselves.

The male parent of the child is most responsible and capable of bonding with his child. The other schoolmates that are of the same age as the child at school are still at a very young age and they lack the skills for effective same gender bonding and connection. The male teachers in school are not as close to his male students as a father could be to his son.

So if the father could not impart the skills of same gender bonding with his son, the child would very much be left on his own to learn about the adult male identity. He would be left to depend on his seniors at school to become his brotherly figures to impart skills of same gender bonding to help him learn and develop his own male identity.

But sometimes we find young male adolescents or teenagers to be too busy doing their own thing rather than to impart or learn the skills of connecting with their same genders. They are too busy getting in touch with the latest music or computer games rather than to get in touch mentally with their male peers and the male identity.

So the child may still find himself distant from the adult male identity but his desires to get in touch with it is still present and growing.

If one day he comes across the concept of Homosexuality which seems to him as an effective way of "male bonding" with other males, he may see himself fitting and desiring to be a homosexual without knowing what he is getting himself into.

He may think that connecting to others physically is an effective way to connect with them mentally in order to get in touch with the male identities of others and his own.

So the desiring and seeking remains until one day he finds what he is really looking for, which is the male identity of himself.

We can tell that many homosexuals do not have a very complete adult male identity because they often show signs of childlike behaviour and emotions, their expression of their male identity does not seem very complete and mature.

We have also heard that many homosexuals are afraid or even find it very difficult to disclose their homosexuality to their parents, especially their fathers. This is a sign of either or both side's deficient social skills to connect and communicate with people effectively.

If parents cannot communicate well with their son, how would they be able to teach him the male and female identities?

Actually a homosexual outing himself to his father is actually a way of the son telling his father that he needs to connect with the adult male identity by spending time with other males by being a homosexual.

Of course the father would feel left out, sad, betrayed, guilty and doubts his own male identity and parenting skills because his son chooses to be more intimate with other guys rather than with his old man.

It seems like a very logical cause and effect consequence. Because fathers could not impart their adult male identity to their sons, their sons choose to seek it from other males, through different ways, even through others' pants.


  1. Anonymous8:14 AM

    If this is true then why am I not gay yet?

  2. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I do understand your blog, I know you put alot of thought to this, and it's about right.
    I have also thought about the reasons, and the underlying reasons are more of denial. I enjoyed your posts. Keep them up!

  3. Anonymous10:27 AM


    Although poor fatherly skills is a main cause of homosexuality, there are also other factors that can counteract this.

    Whether you are really gay or not would still require you to be properly "tested". My next post has something to do with gay desires.


    what do you mean the underlying reasons are more of denial? Care to comment? Thanks.

  4. Anonymous6:51 PM

    whybegay, denial could be
    1. not wanting commitment to a woman
    2. not admitting to their feelings for the opposite sex
    3. wanting an alternative lifestyle
    4. enjoying sex without responsibility (no pregnancies)
    5. inability to grow up and accept maturity

    . . . that said, your posts are pretty good. Were you once going that route but are reasoning to try and understand it better?

  5. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Sexuality has nothing to do with parental skills, social behaviour and the likes. I had a disciplined upbringing, played sports, was not over-nutured...My sexualilty is who I am not what I became. I cetainly dont Blame my old man!
    Get ya hand off it Mate!

  6. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Why do perpetuate this nonsense? These "theories" were disproved thirty years ago. Welcome to the 21st century.

    Since you're so good at analysing everyone else, why don't we throw the spotlight on you? The most homophobic people are often the ones who are hiding their deep-seated guilt over their own homosexual feelings.

  7. Anonymous10:03 PM

    re: Ryotto

    No, that's unfair. You dismiss the theories written as being 'disproved' years ago, yet you come up with your own theory that 'The most homophobic people are often the ones who are hiding their deep-seated guilt over their own homosexual feelings.' are they the truth, or can they be liable to be disproved... rather, do you even have proof that it's the case?

    I see the analysis that whybegay has done as a means for understanding gays and humanity better - there's nothing homophobic about that. It highlights that underneath it all we are all very similar, and all issues can be worked out through analysis, and understanding.

  8. Anonymous9:42 AM

    A Parent..

    Personally, I think the parent if not the closest careperson, have an effect on the child's sexuality at a tender age. If you do something physically indirectly and unknowingly to the child and that somehow stimulates his or her sexual senses from a young age, and depending on the period of time, that would in layman term tuned the mind towards what they will be in later life. Maybe this is only one of the causes.

    In the old days, many Chinese children were under care of female servant 'KaChay' and they have the habit of tickling certain sensual body parts of the children with a feather fan or finger to relax them for whatever motives. One such was to ensure the child stay overly attached to the servant as this would secure a permanency of employment. Many of these children became gays or suffered some deviant behaviour in sexuality. I could be wrong but I wonder whether there has been any tested case to fall on ..for proper analysis.

  9. I think a young child's environment and the people within would definitely have a great effect on his early brain development.

    I think if a child is overly exposed to certain bodily sensations from a very young age, and his brain links the sensations to a certain gender, it would definitely be an influence to his sexuality, such are the cases of child sexual abuse.

  10. Anonymous9:00 PM

    I think that there is more to being gay than just the parents not spending a enough time to bond with their child. I believe that some people who are gay/ claiming to be gay are doing so just to cover up there feelings of hurt and rejection. Not to say that trying to hide your feelings is always bad. But I can tell you that I should be someone who turned to a lifesytle of homosexuality do to the abuse I recieved as a young child. But I didn't so that tells me the the stats aren't always accurate. But that means there is some kind of underlying means of people being gay than just what shaped them as a child.

  11. Your quote is as follows:
    "Of course the father would feel left out, sad, betrayed, guilty and doubts his own male identity and parenting skills because his son chooses to be more intimate with other guys rather than with his old man."

    In my observation [which is CLEARLY OPINION], it seems that some men, in part, claim their manhood by how many kids they "make". Perhaps these same men also consider how many boys they "make." In other words; I agree with just about everything you have mentioned. However, it seems that some males may consider homosexuality in part for having a father who could care LESS about being in his [male] child's life. What about the men that attempt to attain their manhood by procreation? Hope this makes sense.

  12. Gay life is hard. It is very difficult. I feel sorry for gay men. I have seen many fall when AIDS hit. Why so many got infected is a sad and telling story of human morality and the nature of greed especially associated with sex. Few talk about this and sadly healthy homosexual relationships between men are rare and filled with grief and hidden trauma. This is the real "closet." The stories of genuine imprinted love gone wrong are too many and all too silenced.

  13. Interesting. mostly true for some. The future gay male must have characteristics that allow homosexuality. No all males would go that way under similar circumstances.
    The need to bond with males, yes. Where does the desire for male sex partners come from and the lack of desire for the female body?
