Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Searching the seat of a person's soul

Where does a person's "soul" reside in his body?

It is quite unfortunate that many people don't know where to actually find the person within the person. Where do they find the person within his bodily vessel? How is the soul of a person like? How does it show itself to others? How do others see and feel it?

Two guys hang out together as friends. They go out together and spend time together. Do they really know the other person or are they familiar with just their bodily vessels. How would one of the guys describe his other friend? Would his description be based on exterior appearances or by describing character that has shown through close times spent together?

How does he find and feel his friend within the person sitting beside him? And how does he find and know people even though he can see them right before his eyes?

Very often all of us have eyes that we can't use to see. We can often see things but not always know things as they truly are. What is reality and delusions are often separated by a fine imaginary line. Sometimes we misunderstood one for the other.

How does a guy find his other friend's soul?

Does he look in his friend's pocket? From within his eyes which are said to be windows to a person's soul? Or from his smile? From his voice? From his touch? Or from within his pants, the private and restricted zone?

We look to find a person in different ways and in different places. Sometimes people think that the most private and protected place of a person would lie his soul, his innermost character, personality and identity.

People think that it has to be it, where else can a person's soul be hidden except the most private, protected and restricted zone?

Maybe some people think that they can get to know a person if they gain access to a person's private and restricted place, that they can connect and communicate to the person through that private place.

The private areas of a person are most sensitively connected to the brain with their many nerve endings. Gaining access to a person's private areas is to gain access to a place which is well connected to the brain, it does not mean that one would gain access to a person's soul through the place.

A person may even invite another to gain access to his most private and protected part of his body. But the open invitation does not mean certainty in getting to know the person.

Why would a person allow another person to gain access to his private areas of his body? Maybe he sees the person as a non-threat, like someone close to him. He wants a connection with him.

Gaining access to a person's private areas or even getting a glimpse of it is just a superficial experience. Being able to connect to a person physically in his most private areas does not mean that one would be able to connect to the person so as to know the person.

A person's ability to know another person may have been undeveloped, disabled or suppressed by the many distractions from threats to his mind. Which is why he may feel that connecting to another person physically is the only best and fast way to get to understand and know another person.

His desperation to seek solace from his insecurities may drive himself the need to express himself fully to another person and to understand others through physical touch.

A person's undeveloped, disabled or suppressed mental ability to connect with others may be directed to physical intimacy as a sure path to achieving concern and understanding.

He would come to have sexual desires as an "outing" channel for his need to connect with people and to understand them better.

Is adopting a homosexual sexual lifestyle helpful to develop a person's ability to express himself to others and to understand them better? Or does a person just need to learn how to express himself better to others by getting in touch with his own suppressed feelings and also the feelings of other people?

Having sex with a person would not allow one to get to know well the soul of a person, but perhaps a way to get to know the physical material body better?

So is gaining access to a person's private areas and having sex the way to search for a person's soul or is it a futile and mind-less search just for the physical body?

Getting to know and understand a person is not possible through fast connections of the body. It takes time and patience to seek out a person's soul and to know it.

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