Monday, April 03, 2006

Homosexuality is a very serious psychological problem

The time in this blog has been moving backwards and now it is reversing.

In 1973, Dr Robert Spitzer convinced the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to remove the classification of homosexuality as a "mental illness".

I would say that Dr Spitzer did not do his research well, his study was flawed and now out-dated. He only knows Psychology and Medicine, he doesn't know Cognitive Science which covers much more areas of the psyche.

My work has specified that Homosexuality is a very serious psychological problem instead of a "mental illness", because it is a symptom of the dealing with threats, with fear. Homosexuals choose using sex from its original function of procreation to as a far-fetched "solution" to deal with their fear of their threats. It is a symptom of a very serious psychological problem.

Homosexuals cannot simply change out of this problem. The problem has to be resolved, not changed out of.

Wanting homosexuals to switch orientations is a drastic thought, it is similar to making a person change from using his right hand to his left. He has to learn to live his life all over again. No one has this right to demand anyone to do something like this.

Yes, some homosexuals can stop being homosexuals because their fears that caused them to use sex is mild, their fears can be resolved easily. But if the fears that cause homosexuals to use sex to deal with them is very deep, it is very difficult to change. It depends on individuals' circumstances.

As long as one is too caught up with running away from his fears, he will never be able to realise what he is running away from, and what it is all about. If he does not realise this, how will he be able to see the options, the choices and the changes possible? He must first realise how homosexuality is caused by his fears and what homosexuality is all about.

Then he can slowly change or choose the way he is affected by his fears, if he wants to.

Let us firstly talk about helping homosexuals deal with their threats that make them seek sex as a comfort, and then we'll talk about the other issues later.

Firstly, the APA must list homosexuality as a very serious psychological problem.


  1. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Your article makes broad, sweeping statements without offering any proof. It is not well-reasoned, and frankly sounds like the rantings of a very disturbed individual with a lot of psychological problems of his own.

    Why is homosexuality a serious problem if a person is happy being gay? If I'm gay and you take issue with it, the only one with the problem is you.

  2. If you feel my articles are not strong enough, you don't have to be so defensive.
