Sunday, March 12, 2006

Why does a person feel horny?

Why does a person feel horny? And why does he lose this interest and then develops it again?

These are questions posed to me.

The feeling of being aroused and feeling horny has very much to do with body chemistry. Similarly to the fact that certain medicines and drugs can change the body chemistry and strongly affect mental judgment.

One of the initial causes of feeling aroused and horny is the changing sodium chloride to water ratio in the brain and body. The brain is the first organ in the body to get dehyrated whenever the fluid levels run low. This will immediately cause the water ratio to lower against the sodium chloride ratio in the mind.

People who are fluent in Chemistry or Biology would be aware that Osmosis plays an important part in the brain and body. Such an example is the imbalance of sodium and potassium ions inside and outside the brain cells that leads to automatic balancing. When the electrical charge of the ions in the cell is imbalance, the correction of this by the ions will lead to the firing of the neuro-transmitters to send information from one part of the brain to another.

When the body and brain is dehydrated of water, the brain contracts. Most often there is a salty taste on the tongue of a dry mouth.

Dehydration would cause the person to feel emotionally erratic at times due to heightened neural impulses in the brain and body.

During early times when man was still very primal, the brain is contracted and the thinking mind would be led to the primal parts of the brain to be reminded of a primal need to find water to relieve the thirst. But in modern times, sometimes when man is reminded of this primal need to sustain himself by the sensations of a dry mouth, he has many things to do and he is often distracted by his other work. So he waits a long while later to drink water because he knows that he can get water when he wants to and has no need to fear for his life.

The contraction of the brain also leads the thinking mind to access other innermost thoughts. Remember that during body dehydration, the body and brain contracts and sensory stimuli travels faster and more intensely, due to a greater electrical conductivity when the sodium chloride level in the body rises.

During these times, brain and body stimulus are heightened. Early on in life, the person might have linked his favorite thoughts to such heightened body and mental states. An example is what the boy in the first blog post could have done when he felt he was in a heightened sensory state of body and mind, and he linked his favorite thought of his crush to his intense body sensations.

So whenever the body and brain experiences dehydration, the mind contracts and retreats to a more primal place in the brain, where the mind is lead to his favorite sensory thoughts. If these are sexual thoughts, he would feel "horny". If these are worrying thoughts, he would feel afraid. An example od a person being dehydrated and has a work deadline to meet, his dehydration would intensify his worrying feelings and cause him to feel fear of not meeting his deadline.

So dehydration does not necessarily leads to a person feeling horny every single time. His present situation would dictate whether it is permissible or suitable for whatever thoughts he allows into his mind, to feel horny because he is thinking sexual thoughts, or to feel worry because he is thinking of his work deadline.

Of course the person has for a long time, developed the habit of putting off the search of water to drink because of all his usual distracting thoughts that is going on in his mind.

The person might choose masturbation to relieve the intensified sexual feelings in his mind. And when he ejaculates and experiences orgasm, the brain and body is filled with a burst of middle to high intensity neural electrical impulses along with a chemical that gives the brain and body a relaxing feeling. This burst of neural electrical impulses is a lower intensity form of the sensations of pain, which is very high intensity. So as to say, the brain emits a burst of high intensity "pain" to bombard and replace the low intensity horny sensations in the brain and body.

It is similar to removing a low intensity sensations of an itch with a mid or high intensity sensations of a scratch, which brings just about the right amount of pain to neutralise the itch. During masturbation, the low intensity sensations in the brain and body elevates to mid and then when it reaches to high, the threshold for the neural sensation level that the body can tolerate is reached, and the neural electrical sensations are discharged by the high intensity sensations experienced during orgasm. If the body does not do this quickly, the brain and body nerves would later be too stimulated by the neural impulses and would face critical damage.

This failsafe has the same function as the ground breaker built in electrical fuses. It protects the fragile electronic equipment from high voltages that can damage the circuits and render it unusable.

These high intensity neural sensations with the feelings of tiredness "short-circuits" and terminate the horny thoughts in his mind, which is why he feels a lost of sexual interest right after he ejaculates.

By now he should be reminded of the need to drink water, and any further delay would badly dehydrate and damage the brain and body.

A person might choose to feel horny whenever he gets dehydrated, he chooses to use horny thoughts to overwrite the thoughts to replenish his body fluids, and resolves the sexual thoughts by ejaculation. Until next time when he gets dehydrated again, the whole process repeats itself.

But remember that every person's brain and body is different and may not dehydrate in a similar capacity. Most people also do not replace the urge to drink water with sexual thoughts, therefore not everybody would feel "horny" whenever they feel thirsty.

There are people who eat foods such as aphrodisiacs that causes the body to dehydrate in order to increase their sexual feelings. Such examples are foods that contain diuretics that leeches water from the body like coffee, chocolate and wine. Seafood with high sodium content that causes dehydration. Also foods that contain Monosodium-glutamate, of which Glutamate is a neural transmitter than affects brain functions.

There are also some people who choose to use sex drugs to facilitate this dehydration in the mind. Whicever way one chooses to dehydrate themselves, serious dehydration is a cause of irreversible brain damage that dulls mental functions.

Therefore the choice to feel horny or not is still very much a personal choice.

It is important to take the recommended number of glasses of water a day to keep the body's functions at normal operation. It is also important to remove the sodium chloride from the tongue by brushing it, to not do so is similar to constantly bombard the taste buds, just as one constantly listens to music or sees bright lights. Remember that the constant sensations from the taste buds of trapped sodium chloride to the brain is a very great distraction to the mind as well. So remember to give the taste buds and the mind a rest.

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